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Damp: How and Why?

Damp: How and Why?

Damp occurs when there is excess unwanted moisture in the air that has no way of escaping. Excess moisture can be caused by steam when cooking, drying clothes inside the home and perspiration caused through showering and bathing. Any building or plumbing problems that allow water/moisture into the property can lead to damp problems. Condensation is the most common cause of damp in many houses, in particular in bedrooms, bathrooms and kitchens. It occurs when warm moist air comes into contact with cold surfaces causing water to be deposited on the surface. Rising damp is one of the most debated forms of damp. It occurs when natural ground water around a property rises up through brickwork and up the wall.


Moisture gets into the air in our homes through everyday activities like cooking, washing, showering and drying clothes. Through these activities alone, one person can contribute four pints of water to their home’s environment in just one day. With double glazing and insulation, it becomes extrememly hard for this moist air to exit your home.


Warm air can hold a greater amount of moisture than cooler air. This means that the temperature of the air in your home and of the impermeable surfaces has an impact on the amounts of condensation you may experience. Homes that are under-heated can increase condensation. Also, dramatic increases or decreases in temperature can also increase condensation. It is therefore important to consistently heat your home, increasing the average temperature of surfaces.


A home suffering with poor ventilation is prone to condensation and mould growth. Adequate air flow allows warm, moisture-laden air to escape from the home. However, if the home is lacking in ventilation, this warm air will deposit moisture on the coldest surface available – this is commonly windows or outside walls.

Additional Extras
Damp course injection
Damp proof injection is a fast, cost-efficient and highly effective form of damp treatment. It is commonly used as a remedial damp proof course on buildings where the existing DPC has failed due to age or deterioration.

Exterior coating
If the exterior walls of your home are starting to deteriorate, don’t wait. Our professional teams can prepare and protect them, solving any damp problems and improving the functionality and appearance of your property.

Damp tanking
Tanking walls will prevent damp problems by forming an impermeable waterproof barrier that is formed using tanking slurry that is applied directly to the wall. it's ideal for coating foundation walls below-ground level.

PIV unit
Positive Input Ventilation - The coating increases the energy performance by 12.5% on new panels straight out of the factory, so if your panels are dirty, then this will drastically increase the percentage.

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